So... one of my coworker has been talking about a "bacon donut" since I met him 4 years ago. When I saw it on the internet, I couldn't believe my eyes! It's from voo doo donughts in Portland Oregon.
Chico made national news today because our local ice cream shop was chosen as the top 4 in the nation (!). We had a scoop today with the rest of the city.
We are officially bunking at my mom's tonight, so I better get some sleep because the morning will probably take a little longer with a different kitchen. Dale says our floor looks great! (It stills smells bad, though)
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Lisa,
Just caught up on your life!! I am enjoying my time off with my granddaughter! I will be back to work next week to do report cards. We need to plan a time for you to come by for a visit!
Take Care
As someone who had her hardwood floors re-done. My advise is don't put anything on it until you absolutely have to!
Good Luck!
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