Dale took a few pictures at the tournament yesterday. This is a picture of Sima and I
So, no working sink tonight ... I took S* out to dinner. He talked my ear off the entire time when he wasn't studying the kid's booklet. He convinced me to go to Chili's which I have stopped going to because the service is usually really bad. I relented, but unfortunately, was keenly aware of any glitches in the service. (There was 4, but who's counting?) I told S* that we were going on a date. When we got home, he wanted to play a game with me. I was curious if giving S* attention just whetted his appetite for more? Interesting. I think I am still recovering from the tennis tournament because I am very tired.
I called my dad for perspective on all of my losses this weekend. He said that he made "Playing well" his goal rather than "Winning." Then I happened to mention that there was some controversy between my partner and I about line calls. Then my Dad (IN ALL SERIOUSNESS) told me which partner should call which line and why. I couldn't grasp it because I had arrived home at this part of the conversation and the boys were leaking out of the house to see Mom. I'll have to ask him again. My Dad is always good for a bit of wisdom!
So, I am yearning to make cards, but my desk is shoved against my craft desk and all of my stuff is still packed. I've asked Dale gently when he thinks my craft area will be available. I think the kitchen is the first priority right now. I mentioned that it would be a BUMMER if this weekend (when he is out of town) I couldn't craft anything. He agreed. Of course, the fact that I can't make any cards (easily) makes it so much more desirable.
And, I want to thank Lauri and my mom for coming out to support me during my tennis matches, thanks guys!
Thanks for stopping by...
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