Last night Sean was doing a "book report" on Amos & Boris. This has to be the sweetest book ever. My favorite line is when Amos is looking over the "phosphorescent sea" (I can only spell this because Sean looked it up in the dictionary). While I was helping Sean with his homework, I made the banana bread AGAIN, no broiling required. I had to make some substitutions... like add chocolate chips (no deceiving there!), and no whole wheat flour (we were out of it)... but I did add the pureed cauliflower. Dale says he can taste it! I really couldn't, but I wasn't wild about the flavor. The whole experience made me want to find the perfect recipe for banana bread. I brought it to our morning meeting at work, and some kind teachers ate it.
The perfect kitchen color was found at my friend's, Joanne's. The yellow paint color in her kitchen was soft and bright and clean, so I am going to take paint samples from Kelly Moore and try to find this elusive yellow, so I'll keep you posted!
Off to pack, Calistoga is 58 degrees and sunny tomorrow (which means I'll pack long underwear!)
I wore long underwear today for the first time this winter - because it was MINUS SIXTEEN DEGREES (minus twenty-five with the wind chill)! 58 degrees in Calistoga - you silly Californian. (How was the mud bath?)
I love vics vapor rub! When I was pregnant with my dd I used that stuff everyday! The scent relaxes me and helps me sleep. I think it reminds me of childhood..when my mom would slather it on me to help me to stop coughing. And love the California weather!!!! As I sit in my kitchen in my pretty pjs-with NO heaters on in the house and only warm coffee to keep me feeling toasty. Have a great day!
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