Thursday, January 31, 2008
Superquick Note
So... I read a wonderful post on another blog about the features of two-year olds, (check it out) and I made dinner (again). And, I started making butternut squash soup for tomorrow night.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wacky Wednesday

Monday, January 28, 2008
Cold Monday

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Homebound Saturday
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thursday with Barbara
I've been reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and I am enjoying the author's style. The subject matter is intense and weighty, but she delivers the information in a down-to-earth, readable and humorous way. She was comparing how the American's encourages teenagers to abstain from sex, but how our culture won't wait for vegetables to be in season. Now I am yearning to taste in-season asparagus. Of course, I still have the taste of candy sweethearts in my mouth from this morning when I gave my students a "prize" for using my brand new homework hotline. I was racking my brain for a non-candy prize, but I couldn't think of a quick (& cheap) substitute. (Besides, I am too busy reading AVM)
One of my co-workers husband has been part of the Slow Food movement, and now I finally know what it is! I had all sorts of mental images of slow food.
I have been catching the highlights of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament on the internet because we don't have cable. Of course, if I saved up what I would spend in cable (for a year) I could buy a ticket to New York and see the US Open tournament live. Besides, I wouldn't have time to blog because I would be watching tennis!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Off to see the wizard

Last night Sean was doing a "book report" on Amos & Boris. This has to be the sweetest book ever. My favorite line is when Amos is looking over the "phosphorescent sea" (I can only spell this because Sean looked it up in the dictionary). While I was helping Sean with his homework, I made the banana bread AGAIN, no broiling required. I had to make some substitutions... like add chocolate chips (no deceiving there!), and no whole wheat flour (we were out of it)... but I did add the pureed cauliflower. Dale says he can taste it! I really couldn't, but I wasn't wild about the flavor. The whole experience made me want to find the perfect recipe for banana bread. I brought it to our morning meeting at work, and some kind teachers ate it.
The perfect kitchen color was found at my friend's, Joanne's. The yellow paint color in her kitchen was soft and bright and clean, so I am going to take paint samples from Kelly Moore and try to find this elusive yellow, so I'll keep you posted!
Off to pack, Calistoga is 58 degrees and sunny tomorrow (which means I'll pack long underwear!)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Almost Wednesday
My sister, my mom and I are going to Calistoga. I am going to get a mud bath for the first time! We are staying at Dr. Wilkinson's. This is only my 2nd time to Calistoga. For those not native to Northern California, Calistoga is a very small resort town north of Napa. It has restaurants, spas, hot springs and chocolate. Dale and I celebrated our 12th anniversary there, and I just loved it. The food and wine are delicious. I am totally ready for the mud bath, massage, non-stop talking, and chocolate.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Happy Weekend
"Sure, the two books are based on the same unremarkable, unoriginal idea. And a handful of recipes employ some of the same obvious tricks (mostly based on hue, such as hiding sweet potato puree in a grilled cheese sandwich or spinach in brownies)."
I have NO

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Banana Bread Broiled
Home Again

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Dark over here!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Handles are on!
- Clear the floor of any toys
- Shake out rug, roll up rug and put outside bathroom
- Sweep bathroom floor
- Empty trash can
- Fill trash can with water and ½ tsp of Basic H
- Mop floor, use a rag for behind the toilet
I'm thinking of having them clean the bathroom every ten days, check in with me in February!

The handles are on. Dale has installed 3 cabinets, and we picked out the handles today. We can't wait to fill up our big pantry. Zachary was disappointed that we didn't pick out the handles that he liked ($8.49 each). I guess he has expensive taste. It will be nice to have that corner of the kitchen back.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Digital Scrapbooking

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Snow Sports
So, we did our "dry run" today at Mount Shasta (for our upcoming ski trip in Lake Tahoe in February). We were planning on skiing on Thursday, but there is a big storm coming in. The weather was beautiful. It was the ultimate in California skiing.
Great things:
- Seeing families from Chico
- Doing a family activity
- Lisa skiing again after 12 years!
- We are all intact at the end of the day
- Zachary went on a chair lift today!
Things we learned:
- Make sure everyone drinks lots of water
- Make sure people don't get too tired
- Have bribes ready to get Sean to ski
- Lisa will never get the hang of a toe rope!
- Make a master list
I was inspired by a woman I met at the chair lift who informed me that it had been 37 years since she had been on skis. I think she overheard me mumbling about going on a chair lift, and the fact that it had been 12 years for me. I met a lot of very friendly people at Shasta. At one point I was talking about the state of mathemathics education with a Shasta school board member. She was trying to encourage Sean to get back on the slopes and grabbed his hands to show him how make the "wedge" with his skis. And, on another note, Zachary's tailbone is hurting since I told Aunt Stephanie's tailbone story. (!)
Reading Update: I finished Fun Home and started Jesus Land (2nd book from Tess), it's a memoir of a 16-year girl who moves to the country with her family including her (adopted) black brother. It's a tragic, but heartfelt written story. It reminds me of The Glass Castle. I am enjoying it. I've been reading a lot of memoirs lately.