Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A counting we will go...
Grad Update: I spoke to my grad coordinator on Monday. We had a phone appt. at 1:30 p.m. I waited by the phone, then it was 1:31, 1:32...1:34. I just decided to call him, and he apologized profusely for forgetting about our phone appointment that took me 2 emails to set up. I asked him how I should read my interviews now that they are transcribed. He said I should view each one as a movie and review it. Then I should write down a maximum of 3 themes that emerge from each interview. Now to get motivated to do it!
Work News: I find out on Thursday {May 1st} what my school schedule will be for next year. I heard a rumor that I will be at one school, and I heard a more recent rumor that I'll be at 2 schools. I saw one of my prinicpals yesterday, and she wasn't spilling anything.
Rambling: Do you believe it's May already? I started signing up my kids for summer camps this week! I signed S* up for a Farm Camp at a local farm... I hope he likes it!
Question for you: What do you do with interesting tidbits of information that you read in magazines. Case in fact, I just read something about cool restaurants Portland in the "O" magazine, and I hate to lose that information. I was thinking of saving the page, but I have pages floating around that I never reference. Then I was thinking of making an excel spreadsheet, but then I thought it was way to obessive... Ideas? Thoughts?
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wildflower 08
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Blog Candy

So I just bought this book from Amazon. It's written by the same author of "It Takes a Worried Man." He is writing about his experiences as an English teacher, and I like reading memoirs of teachers (so I don't think I am crazy.)
So, I was a little extra bossy today. I think being the STAR test coordinator has gone to my head a bit! Tomorrow is the last day of regular testing and then Friday I will be in a meeting all day at Chico State learning about Lesson Study. My quick synopsis of lesson study is: Research-Implement-Reflect-Revise-Redo (RIRRR?) with the last 3 R's going for as many iteriations as needed. I am excited because they have the top researcher in Lesson Study, Dr. Catherine Lewis as the speaker. Yes, I can talk academics in the breath after talking about blog candy!

On another note, I made the cutest card yesterday! I am going to try to make my mother's days cards this weekend ~ I am lusting after a tennis backpack for Mother's Day, but I can't decide if I should hint too much....
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Day

Monday, April 21, 2008
Kitchen pictures
(Sorry pics are out of order and one is upside down - but I'm in a rush!)
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tax Day

Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Terrific Thursday

Well... tonight I went to bb game #1 and skipped bb game #2 to come home and make blueberry muffins for S*'s class party tomorrow. I'm blogging because blogging and blueberry both start with b's and I wanted to upload some pics. The picture is of us playing Settlers of Catan. Usually when you play with
Quick Note
Happy early birthday mom!
Thanks for visiting!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
What shape are you?

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Can't Wait!
thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
breaking news
I got my approval this morning from Chico State, and I started my first interview this morning!