Well, Dale kept on trying to talk to me while I was checking out blogs... so he finally ended up reading a book that I got for him: Atlantis. I want to read it too, it's written by an underwater archaeologist. I always encourage reading in my family.
king of reading, I am on page 236 of A,V, M... The latest information to note was that many wild turkey strains are going extinct because everyone buys butterball turkeys. So, when I was in S & S (a local non-chain health/organic store), I bought some Diestl turkey deli meat. It's from Sonora, CA. When the butcher was describing the meat to me, I asked him, "How much is it? A million a pound?" I was joking (of course). Apparently he must've thought I needed the extra cash because he only charged me the price of the ham lunch meat that I bought. BTW, the kids loved the turkey lunch meat!! It was still cheaper than buying sandwiches. I was also trying to buy local eggs at S & S. I was standing at the egg case reading the label...Arcadia, CA. I was pretty sure that Arcadia is in Southern California. So I asked the "young" cashier which was pretty much hopeless. She didn't realize my quest for local products! First, she seemed perplexed by my question. Then, in her sweetness, she tried to determine where Arcadia was. In the end, she went with the "Oh, Well! It's in California!"

So Z* is in the throes of the minor league baseball draft and a science fair project. He was drafted on the Rockies. I talked with the coach tonight. He has 3 practices a week scheduled (one is optional). I didn't say much, and he asked if I was OK. I guess I am still in shock (for other reasons, too). Z* original idea for the science fair was to explode a potato in the microwave. We said no multiple times, but it wasn't penetrating Z*'s enthusiasm. He finally got it!
S* is pla
nning to sing "Lucy, in the Sky with Diamonds" for his share time, so every morning he serenades us with this song, he is in a major Beatle phase.
Finally, I am posting a quick card from scraps I did the other night. I want to make more cards tonight, but I better stop blogging!
that looks yummy!
Yes, it looks like you have become a "blogaholic." (Should I copyright that word?) It was nice to hear from you and thanks for the postcard. It looks and sounds like you had a great time in Tahoe. It is a wonderful place. Diestel turkeys are all the rage here (Oakdale) because they are so close and you can get them however you want (fresh, whole, etc...) That Kingsolver book is great but hard to live by unless there are resources close by. Still, it makes you think about what we eat and where it comes from. I'm still working on "Fast Food Nation." It really makes you think about a lot of our food choices and big business.
Take care...
Well you get comments! Sister Carole tried to comment but wasn't able to. I don't think Monty's mom can even get in.
See you tomorrow am
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