On the way to the jacuzzi, S* told me that he wouldn't take part in the picture because he didn't want little girls seeing him on the internet. Well... luckily he forgot, and when a jacuzzi "neighbor" offered to take our picture, S* obliged. This jacuzzi is steps from our condo, and we met some people from Mass., Ohio, Illinois and California. It was very cold today. On the top of one of the ski slopes, the

temperature read 17 degrees. S* and Z* did ski school again, and they gave me a full report. S* rode on a chairlift multiple times! Our plan tomorrow is to split up, and I'll be with S* on the bunny slopes, and Dale & Z* will be checking out the terrain parks.
So, to cel

ebrate Valentine's day, I bought the ingredients to make cosmos! Yum! I spent about $27 on the supplies which balanced out the fact that we ate in the whole day. We were able to eat lunch in our condo since we are so close to one end of the mountain. It was nice to come in and warm up!
Here is a picture of us eating at the table at our condo, I would definitely stay here again. Did I tell you we have sleep number beds???!!! The kids have one too and have played with them incessantly, trying to find the perfect number.
So what's your sleep number?
I am a sleep number 25. Z* was a 5 (!)
Which way is soft and which hard? Sounds like what we need.
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