Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Procrastination never dies

I am at the library....er working on my survey for my master's. I just received a phone message that I was missing one document for my Human Subject application - the message was left on my work phone - which I didn't check until today! So, I received it 8 days late. I just emailed off that piece tonight. I couldn't have emailed it from home tonight anyway because the power went out at 4:30 p.m. My husband was a little cranky from staying home with sick (almost well) Sean today, so I worried about leaving the family. However, they all told me I could go and I left them in the dark. I drove across town to the college library...and voila! Lights! Camera! Action! If only I could turn on the motivation. My goal is to have one night a week at the library instead of playing tennis.
Hope Springs Eternal.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week Off

I have a week off from teaching this week, and I have so many things I want to do. The ugly things are figuring out my new prescription service since I changed my health insurance to Dale's. New forms, new websites, new usernames. I am trying to come up with "cute" passwords, like "datafun" I am hoping it will make me smile when I am logging in. I found out that my insurance covers acupunture, so I am adding that to the list of things to do! Monday and Tuesday, I will be working on my thesis...off I go.
P.S. Thanks Tess for the necklace, it goes perfectly with my earrings.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

tennis in the morning

I got to play tennis with Sean's class this morning. It turns out that his teacher, Mrs. Sloan used to go to the racquet club and play a lot of tennis. I walked on the courts to pick up some extra tennis balls and wished that I was playing tennis instead of working on my literature review...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

12 years old

I feel like I have jumped into another world literally. Mom of a preteen. We got my son a road bike, and we went on a nice ride this afternoon. Sean is learning how to crossstitch. We just bought a craft kit yesterday at a rummage sale. (We also bought a toaster oven for $2.00)
Hope you are having a great weekend!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My latest card

Summer's End

This morning, Zachary and I rode our bikes to Chico Junior High and picked up his schedule. Math, 1st period! We also bought him a planner. Admittedly, I am more interested in this planner than he is. Speaking of planners, I just purchased a new planner based on finishing the book, "Getting it Done." This is probably my 5th planner in 2 years. We stayed home most of the day so I could get some academic writing done, so we are off to a picnic at 1 mile.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Humming along

I met with my professor for my literature review and she said that I could write! (Maybe I should start a new vocation in writing) I called my mom immediately and she said, "I knew that, but it's nice to hear it from someone else." So now on to finish. Kids will be picked up at 9:30 a.m. for a movie date while I work on more writing. I feel the procrastination bug already! I've been reading blogs, looking at cards, etc.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Day of freedom

I have about 30 minutes left on my 5 days of 5.5 hours of tennis camp a day. I'll have to say it's been nice. The first 3 days I was super motivated and I worked on my literature review for about 2 hours. Yesterday I went to the library for an hour. Today was also minimally productive. I set the timer and wrote for about 45 minutes. Next week, alas, kids will be home pumping me with questions, such as: "Can Nathaniel come over?" "Can we watch a movie?" "I'm hungry", "Why do I have to do chores?" I am going to plan to work 2 hours a day next week... Wish me luck.

I just started "Two Cups of Tea" because I figured that it wouldn't keep me from working on my thesis.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mozilla, etc.

I can totally tell it's summer because I am cleaning up my computer documents, switching internet browsers...I am currently organizing my bookmarks, since I switched to Mozilla. Last night when I was surfing, I found a place where you can stay at a Yurt right on the coast of Big Sur. Apparently it's called Glamping...

Books & Stuff

This week is completely devoted to working on my lit review. I searched all over for my flash drive and it turns out that it was in my computer the whole time. The kids are in tennis camp this week.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Spring

Well, Spring is here. I'm planning a birthday party for my mom in Southern California. I am looking forward to it. I have heard from a few family friends that they will be able to make it.

Brent is encouraging me to blog, but I am not sure how I will juggle stamping, FB and blogging. I'll have to say that there is something therapeutic about blogging.

I am not that tired today because I stayed home all day as the last person in the family to get the flu. Zachary started 12:30 a.m. on Thursday and then Dale and Sean started early Monday AM. I went to work on Monday, but collapsed when I got home. Sean and I stayed home today. The only bummer is that I am now like a doctor and I have to reschedule my appointments which crunches other days. Oh well, I am liking my job, so I won't complain too much!

The family played Sorry! tonight. At times I was sorry becuase Zachary and Sean were a little over competitive and sad/mad/upset when things weren't going their way. I started to reflect on the fact about when exactly Dale and I (who started making "political" moves in the game) became so passive about winning/losing.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 6, 2009

experiment 101

Well, I have been missing my blog...because it isn't quite like facebook. So, I don't know if I can multitask between the two items, but I'll try.

The biggest news is that I am now a homeschool teacher. I just started on January 5th, and it's been a very steep learning curve. Last night I did one of the English assignments that I have been assigning all of my new students just to familiarize myself with it.
